Unit Testing: Activate Easy Mode
The Four Horsemen: AutoMock, AutoFixture, Shouldly, and xUnit
Yesterday, after presenting to the Willamette Valley Software Engineering meetup about Dependency Injection, an engineer by the name of Josh and I got to talking. After making an offhand comment about a testing framework combination I'd used, he got really excited. I figured I'd use this as an excuse to do a . . .
Posted in: asp.netautofixtureautomoqboilerplatedebuggingdependency-injectionfluent assertionsmoqshouldlytddtest-driven-developmenttestingxunit
Using Dependency Injection for Implementation Enumeration
...There is probably a better name for this
I'm building a system that will look at a lot of transaction data and determine if each transaction qualifies for one of many criteria. At a high level, I'm asking "Does this transaction qualify for any or all of sales criteria A, B, C,...,N?"
This entry will examine a poor approach without . . .
SMTP Service
...but why?
I've recently started adding the following interface to most of my web applications in which a requirement is to send automated email notifications.
using System.Net.Mail;
namespace MyApp.Core.Service
public interface ISmtpService
void Send(MailMessage message);
And the code . . .
Posted in: asp.netmoqsmtptddtest-driven-development
Cover image credit: http://whoiskevinrich.com