Unit Testing: Activate Easy Mode
The Four Horsemen: AutoMock, AutoFixture, Shouldly, and xUnit
Yesterday, after presenting to the Willamette Valley Software Engineering meetup about Dependency Injection, an engineer by the name of Josh and I got to talking. After making an offhand comment about a testing framework combination I'd used, he got really excited. I figured I'd use this as an excuse to do a . . .
Posted in: asp.netautofixtureautomoqboilerplatedebuggingdependency-injectionfluent assertionsmoqshouldlytddtest-driven-developmenttestingxunit
Autofac registering a dependency for non-existent library
A case in which the problem wasn't in the code
Last week, our team ran into an issue which was, individually, leaving us scratching our heads. In the end, the entire process boiled down to one hidden checkbox.
We were receiving the following exception:
None of the constructors found with . . .
Posted in: autofacdebuggingdependency-injectionpublish
Using Dependency Injection for Implementation Enumeration
...There is probably a better name for this
I'm building a system that will look at a lot of transaction data and determine if each transaction qualifies for one of many criteria. At a high level, I'm asking "Does this transaction qualify for any or all of sales criteria A, B, C,...,N?"
This entry will examine a poor approach without . . .
Cover image credit: http://whoiskevinrich.com