Kevin Rich

Unit Testing: Activate Easy Mode

The Four Horsemen: AutoMock, AutoFixture, Shouldly, and xUnit


Yesterday, after presenting to the Willamette Valley Software Engineering meetup about Dependency Injection, an engineer by the name of Josh and I got to talking. After making an offhand comment about a testing framework combination I'd used, he got really excited. I figured I'd use this as an excuse to do a . . .

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March 08, 2019

Entity Framework SQL Debugging

Using Lambdas to Log Generated SQL


My boss is a SQL guy, a DBO by trade. Every now and again, he wan't to know what SQL my application is running against the database.

I am not a SQL guy. I've been using EntityFramework and lambdas from nearly the beginning of my .NET adventures. I can read and write SQL...

But why?


. . .

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February 10, 2017

Autofac registering a dependency for non-existent library

A case in which the problem wasn't in the code


Last week, our team ran into an issue which was, individually, leaving us scratching our heads. In the end, the entire process boiled down to one hidden checkbox.

We were receiving the following exception:

None of the constructors found with . . .

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February 14, 2016


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